Broadway In Chicago Main Logo

the snow must go on

What happens when it starts to snow…

· We make sure that the sidewalks are all clear at all the theatres
· We talk to the shows and find out if they will accept exchanges for our theater patrons so that they can attend another show during their run
· We check the buildings to be sure that they are warm for our customers
· We check in with our parking lots to be sure that they are functioning and have extra help to take care of customers should they have any car problems
· We make sure that our own staff will be able to arrive at the theater safely
· We communicate with our customers by our website and social networking to be sure that they know that are shows are up and running and, if for some reason they can’t get to the theater, how and when they can exchange their tickets
· We have to make sure that the actors can make it to the theater and, if like LES MISERABLES and BURN THE FLOOR they are just coming in town, then we have to make sure that the show trucks were able to make it to Chicago and that enough of our technical staff were there to put the show together.
· And after the show lets out you do whatever you can to be sure that your patrons have a way home – including giving them public transportation updates, running down cabs for them or helping them stay at a local hotel if the weather is too bad for them to drive
This, and more, is what we did for our performance of BURN THE FLOOR last night.

So? What do we do when it keeps snowing? We pick safety first!

When you wake up, after taking care of customers and delivering a great opening of BURN THE FLOOR the night before, you are ready to do it all over again, this time for two shows: BURN THE FLOOR and LES MISERABLES. Then reality sets in – out your window it is still snowing, the weather services tell you there are STILL BLIZZARD WARNINGS till 3:00 p.m. and there are nearly 20 inches of snow in the middle of Downtown Chicago with many roads closed and Lake Shore Drive a parking lot from abandoned cars. The County and the State declare a state of emergency – then you stop and say there is nothing more important than the safety of our audiences, our staff and the casts of two wonderful shows.

In this case the Show needs to take the day off!

And that is what we did on Wednesday
· Notified the press
· Called and e-mailed all the patrons that bought tickets to the show,
· Put signs up at the theaters
· Posted on our website, Facebook and Twitter that Broadway In Chicago finally succumbed to the snow and is taking the night off
· Listened to the City of Chicago officials and stayed home (or went back home)

What I recommend for you….
· Hold your family tighter and shovel your sidewalks, you survived the Blizzard of 2011.
· And while you are home, go online or to the phone and buy some tickets for later this week to see BURN THE FLOOR or LES MISERABLES! Cabin fever will set in soon and these are shows that will transform your evening.

Keep safe, stay warm.