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razzle-dazzle ’em

I rarely buy tickets for sporting events (I seem to spend even my days off going to theatre) but I am going to the Bulls game on February 24 and discovered that the JERSEY BOYS will be singing the national anthem at the game. I shouldn’t have been surprised – a long-running show like JERSEY BOYS (18 months and counting) requires a lot of work. When I try to describe my friends or family all the marketing and PR that goes into promoting a show, it is mind boggling. Appearances like the anthem at the Bulls Game are just one of the elements that make a hit a hit!

John O'Hurley
John O'Hurley

Talking about appearances, today John O’Hurley flew into Chicago and is doing interviews all over town to publicize CHICAGO THE MUSICAL, which will play February 25 through March 8. He is being a great sport…jumping in and out of cabs in the rain all the while remaining suave and sophisticated. Maybe all his training when he was on Dancing With The Stars is coming into play. Of course, he did play Elaine’s boss on Seinfeld, Mr. Peterman, who traveled to exotic places all over the globe. In real life he is the same kind of trooper.

The rest of the CHICAGO cast is a very exotic place right now – Bangkok! Their blog is fascinating. They fly straight from Bangkok to Chicago. That is definitely an unusual tour schedule.
