Monday is the day that everyone at Broadway In Chicago trys to catch up. We never have shows on Monday (well probably shouldn’t say never – as there is always an exception to that rule). We are updating all of our website information and social networking sites with the new shows that are in town.

Planning for the next years big events – like the Convention and Tourism lunch where LEGALLY BLONDE and XANADU will be performing, as well as the League of Chicago Theatre Gala and the Broadway In Chicago Taste of Chicago Concert. Yes, I know it is in July, but time is not waiting for anyone.
This past week, XANADU just got rave reviews and JERSEY BOYS has just put on another block of tickets. Over 750,000 people having seen JERSEY BOYS and we certainly hope to break a million with this show. I love seeing JERSEY BOYS. It is like liquid energy the audiences so love it and are up on their feet everynight.
Last week I was in NY for a sneak peek of ADDAMS FAMILY – it was so fabulous! So wonderful that I don’t want to tell you anything about it except to say that it should be on the top of your list for the fall. In fact – if you were smart you would secure your seats now by becoming a Broadway In Chicago subscriber! I will tell you more as the days go on but for now, just know that I laughed, I cried and left thrilled that Chicago is going to get to see it first!