My Journey to The Jimmys – Cecilia Trippiedi, IHSMTA 2016 Best Actress

Cecilia vocal audition

By Cecilia Trippiedi

My journey to the Jimmy Awards began four years ago when my mom and I watched the documentary “Broadway or Bust”. Ever since viewing that show, I knew I wanted the National High School Musical Theatre Awards to be in my future. I trained in private voice and dance throughout my life and patiently waited for my school, Carl Sandburg, to choose a musical with a qualifying female lead. I was cast as Eliza Doolittle in “My Fair Lady” and that role landed me a nomination as one of twelve girls competing for the title of Best Actress at the Illinois High School Musical Theatre Awards. I went into auditions with an open and clear mind and put my training and passion out in the open for everyone to see – and it paid off. When it was announced that I was chosen to represent Illinois in NYC I was beside myself. To this day I still don’t believe that all of it was real. It would be my first time in New York and I was elated to say the least.

The Jimmy Awards was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I made lifelong friends and truly got a taste of what the professional industry is like. It was also an amazing springboard into college, where I will be pursuing a BFA in Musical Theatre with a Dance Concentration from Otterbein University. I am going into my freshman year with copious amounts of training and knowledge as well as inspiration.