Guest Blog: Peter Pan’s Evelyn Hoskins (Wendy)

My name is Evelyn Hoskins and I play Wendy Darling. If you know the story well, you will know that I actually get to fly every night from London to Neverland. This is possibly my favorite part of the job, something I may not get to do again in my acting career. I must admit to you now though that the first time I got flown 40 feet in the air I cried like a baby, but with practice, support and time – I have learnt to love it!

When I was a child, I was the kid that had to do everything that was even slightly dangerous. I was a tomboy and a daredevil but with age comes knowledge and understanding, and with that comes fear. I’m telling you this because a few weeks back I took my first trip to an all American theme park here in Illinois called Six Flags Great America. I was weary at first because I don’t think I had been on a roller coaster in maybe 10 years. I went with someone from the aerial team, the guys who fly us in the show, the deputy stage manager and another member of the cast.

The first ride we chose to do, as it seemed fitting, was Superman, in which you are suspended vertically with your legs hanging free to give you the sensation of flying. I loved it but the only issue was that I came off it questioning why I had no real adrenaline or fear. We came to the conclusion that it’s because of all the flying we do in the show! I will admit the rides to come definitely gave me that adrenaline buzz I went for, a very fun day for all!

I’m having so much fun here in Chicago. Backstage is great as we recently had some fake grass laid and a kiddy’s pool put in to soak our hot feet in this beautiful weather! I always enjoy this part of my job as it keeps me on my toes and definitely makes the show fresh and exciting.

So my question to you is this: Where should I go or what should I do in or around Chicago next to get that adrenaline buzz I’m seeking?