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APP-solutely fabulous

Every year Broadway In Chicago’s marketing department has a think tank session, where we try to create new ways of reaching our customers. We all come to the meeting with innovative ideas to encourage people to see more theatre and together we choose what our focus will be for the year. We are a leader in the country for our theater sales and marketing techniques – we like to be first. The first to get productions either going into NY or coming out of NY, the first to do promotions, and the first to pioneer new techniques.

iphoneportrait021This year we took on GOING MOBILE. We have worked to raise our mobile club, where members get special messages by text and even though no other theater organization had one, we decided that by the end of the year Broadway In Chicago would have an iPhone app and mobile application, as we know that more and more of our customers are doing business through their phones.

We are all excited to roll out these new features this week, as we are the first theater organization to launch an iPhone application (app)! Before today, Apple’s App Store offered apps ranging from restaurant finders and movie times to ski conditions and guitar tuners. But never a theater organization – this first ever theater app, available for free! The app is cool and gives up-to-date show information, nearby restaurant suggestions, parking garage locations, exclusive video and even this blog. And for those that have no iPhone, Broadway In Chicago has launched a mobile-friendly website for PDAs and SmartPhones. For more information and a video demonstration of the iPhone app, click here.

And the best part is that the iPhone was developed by my son! He is a programmer in L.A. and one of the principles of

The marketing team at Broadway In Chicago is always reaching to find new exciting ways to spread the word and I applaud them in their latest efforts.

Don’t wait – be one of the first to download our iPhone app for free!