he’s here!


The bus pulled up in front of the Oriental today and off came four BILLYs and over 40 other cast members that are set to dazzle Chicago unofficially on Wednesday night at the special invited dress rehearsal and Thursday night at their very first public performance. I could not be more excited – the theatre is ready for the sound of applause. And applause there will be for a production that was put together with love and is rumored to be the best production of BILLY ELLIOT to date!

Just for fun….

I have a special treat for someone – let me know what the movie Green Zone and musical Billy Elliot have in common and you will be entered to win two tickets to the EXCLUSIVE INVITED DRESS REHEARSAL OF BILLY ELLIOT. Leave your answer in the comments by 10 am on Wednesday (3/17) and we’ll announce the random winner at 10:30 am (Central time, of course!). We’ll email the winner the details.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For all those that read this blog, do yourself a favor – do not wait to buy your tickets to BILLY ELLIOT. Buy now, go now, and for the best seats, come Easter Weekend!


UPDATE: Our winner is Witness Yi!  Make sure to check your email for details about tonight’s dress rehearsal. Congratulations!